- Awards
- Education
- IUSG ambassador program
- IUSG basic course
- Membership
- Meeting and planning
- Research
- Website
The IUSG functions thanks to the dedicated work of many of its members active in various committees:
To foster excellence, and encourage a younger generation to strive in ocular inflammation, Awards are given out during the ISU meeting - best paper, the IUSG gold medal among others.
The education committee supports the organization of courses given at various times through the world - aimed at providing basic and thematic teaching on uveitis. They will organize or help find speakers for meetings organized by national or regional medical societies. It also acts as a liaison with existing ophthalmic societies where the IUSG is often asked to organize course and provide speakers.
The IUSG Ambassador Program was created to help ophthalmologists in countries that lack uveitis experts, a path to collaborate with experts in neighbouring countries. These can provide help on how to set-up a diagnostic center, where to refer, what to investigate. Courses can also be arranged to cover aspects of uveitis care. Of course anyone can visualize the webinar series that was created by the IUSG.