Ask Advice - Patient Presentation System
Dear fellow Ophthalmologist,
You might on occasion have patients with a complex uveitis problem and not know where to ask for advice. We have setup a service where you can request help from members of the IUSG.
In order to make use of this service, you will need to confirm certain requirements. You will be guided through the process when you click on the “Request IUSG Advice”-button on this page.
Before you can send us information about your case, you will be required to login/signup on the IUSG website to access the advice portal. Access to this service is strictly limited to qualified medical practitioners, and you need to be pre-approved before you can submit a case.
After you have logged in, you will be redirected to the application form in which you confirm that you:
- For each case, have a signed consent (agreement) from your patient, allowing you to share his/her clinical information (including images) with the IUSG.
- For each case, you confirm that you understand the nature and limitations of the advice which the IUSG can provide.
- Once you have completed the application form and submitted it, you will receive a confirmation email and a link to the PowerPoint file in a structured format for you to fill in with appropriate information. Please be specific regarding the questions for which you would like advice.
- Once we receive your case, an IUSG moderator will confirm that it is sufficiently detailed. If he/she feels that additional information is required, he/she will contact you by e-mail. Once complete, your case will be made available to all IUSG members, who will be invited to comment or provide suggestions. A summary of their comments will be returned to you after 2 weeks.
This service is without any cost for you or your patient. However, please note that an advice based on a case presentation by internet cannot replace a regular clinical consultation between a patient and an ophthalmologist. Any advice, comment will have to be adapted to the specific patient circumstance.
In the above described process of requesting advice, you will be asked to agree/consent with the following:
- Your details (the submitter), such as your name, email, where you legally are authorized to practice, your location and the Initials or identification code of the patient.
- To confirm the following statement: “ I, confirm on my honor that I have obtained written consent from the patient to discuss her/his case within the IUSG advice forum, and his/her consent to send this information electronically, including laboratory data and images. I confirm that the patient cannot be identified from the text or images submitted. Furthermore, I also confirm that I will not charge the patient for the information provided by the IUSG.
- I also acknowledge that obtaining advice via this platform cannot replace face-to-face medical consultation. The information provided can only be considered as an advice, and the International Uveitis Study Group (IUSG) cannot be held liable for the information it provides. The application of any recommendation given may only be carried out by a qualified ophthalmologist after a comprehensive consideration of the individual health condition of your patient, and of the context in which the care is being provided. I am responsible for the treatment of my patient and an adequate understanding of the recommendations, their implementation and consequences is my responsibility.